About the Truth in Labeling Campaign



When TLC [Truth in Labeling Campaign] was incorporated, we were still deluding ourselves with the hope that given a face-saving “out”, the FDA would admit to the toxicity of MSG and label MSG-containing ingredients appropriately. However, repeated visits to legislators in Washington, a law suit brought against the FDA over labeling, the FDA’s September, 1994 rejection of the “independent” study on the safety of MSG done for the FDA by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), the EPA’s refusal to evaluate the toxic effects of MSG used in products they regulate, and California’s acquiescence to the forces of the glutamate industry, finally convinced us that no amount of truth would be sufficient to counter the glutamate industry’s control of the US government and our health care community.

In light of the recent COVID debacle, we hope it is evident now just how much control megacorporations have on our government, and how they work hand-in-hand to develop and disperse toxic products to the general population.