Trusting the Experts

Rod Klingler Rod Klingler

We live in a culture that is constantly told that they should just trust the "experts." In some parts of Idaho, this is adhered to very strongly.

There are actually a great many things wrong with this attitude, particularly when it comes to medicine [1], but still it is pervasive in some parts.

We want to believe that doctors never make business decisions when it comes to our health, but this is naive. We want to think that those in the medical profession are just kind, friend people who want to heal people. Granted, there are some who feel this way, but there are a great many doctors, and they run the spectrum where these things are concerned. Medical school isn't free, after all, nor are vacations.

Even where good doctors are concerned, however, there are problems. One of these is, interestingly, the same problem that the public tends to have: a belief that those above them know what is right and shouldn't be questioned.

In our current situation, there is a chain of information/direction that looks like this:

The United Nations directs the World Health Organization, which directs the CDC, which directs state health departments, which direct regional health departments, which direct local health officials, who are responsible for implementation.

If you trust the UN, this might not bother you. But if you understand that there are serious reasons to take what they say with skepticism, this chain is very disconcerting.

Take, for instance, Event 201 [3]. This was an event, held in October of 2019, where leaders and representatives from around the world got together to war-game what would happen if there were a global outbreak of a new coronavirus. Months before there actually was a new global coronavirus outbreak, or so we're told. What an amazing coincidence!

Yet another coincidence is that this "pandemic" has presented exactly the opportunity long ought after by groups like the World Economic Forum to implement what they refer to as "The Great Reset", which they see as an "opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world," according to Klaus Schwab, the WEF's founder. This is why you keep hearing about the "new normal." They have no intention of letting things go back to the real normal.

"By Schwab’s own admission, the world must “act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies” — in short, he says, ever [sic] industry must “be transformed… we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”" [2]

"As the WEF puts it of the coming technocracy that would rule our lives: “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.”" [2]

All of these things tie directly back to the United Nations Agenda 21/2030. Defending Idaho has reported on the goals of Agenda 21/2030, and we refer you to our website for those. In short, these are all evil goals couched in nice-sounding phraseology.

We must all stop blindly following and start thinking critically!

"Experts" are people, and people have agendas.

"There is no class of evidence to be received with greater suspicion than that of the so-called expert." [4]

I'm No Expert

At this point, some might be wondering who they are to question those who claim to be experts. I will tell you who you are: you are the one who will suffer the consequences of whatever they implement! You have your own brain, and you were meant to use it. And you have access to the greatest expert of all – God – who will gladly guide you as you navigate conflicting information.

Most importantly, you must listen to all sides of an argument. Contrary to popular memes, science is NEVER settled! Science is, literally, "a study of a subject," and it is ever-evolving. We look back with horror on the practices of days gone by (Opium for headaches? Cigarettes for your lungs?), but somehow fail to realize that those people were following the recommendation of their doctors and experts, too. In a hundred years, what will society think of today's best practices, if there still is a society? What will the "science" say then?

I have been known to say that "science is today's best guesses waiting to be proven false." Whether you like it or not, this is historically accurate.

But we like to think of ourselves as above all that. OUR science is too good for all that. We have "evolved" to a safe place, where things like peer reviews and double-blind studies protect us from fraud and quackery.

I wish that were true.

Researcher James Corbett has produced an excellent, well-documented, documentary, entitled "The Crisis of Science," that exposes the flaws – serious, serious flaws! – in today's methodologies, as discussed among scientists themselves, in their own literature, conveniently removed from the public eye. I highly recommend you watch it. [5]

Just Listen

We are being told that we shouldn't listen to the "other guys," that they're the cause of all our problems. We are being led to divide into factions, constantly at odds with one another.

This is wrong, and it is patently un-American.

Just as we have been seeing people and groups purged from sites and services like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, so have these enormous organizations been controlling the free flow of information in other ways.

Google, for instance, has long buried certain topics so far down into search results that no one will ever find them. Whistleblowers whose messages conflict with the prevailing narrative are quickly removed from public platforms before they can be seen.

Truly, we live in Orwell's 1984, where this was known as "memory-holing."

Media giant CNN admitted that some of these whistleblowers had been scrubbed from the main social media sites, but was quick to label them spreaders of "false coronavirus claims," so you wouldn't be concerned. [6]

You weren't supposed to ask yourself why doctors would risk their livelihoods, not to mention their medical licenses, to spread "false claims."

Or. what about The Great Barrington Declaration? [7] Have you even heard of it? You should have! But it's been either ignored or slandered by mainstream media publications, so you won't pay any attention to it.

Why on earth would the public want to hear from "infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists [who] have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies"?

What DO we get?

Shut out of public meetings, where hospital administrators are admitted and allowed to give an air of legitimacy to mask mandates that we are being railroaded with.

Are you not alarmed by that?

I could go on, as there are many, many, other doctors and experts who disagree with the prevailing narrative.

But I won't.

I just hope that this has given you a sense of the urgency in our current situation, and that, going forward, you will not just blindly accept what any so-called "experts" say in regards to this "pandemic."

There is a lot of reason to be skeptical, if not at least very cautious.


[1] See, for instance, the quotes from Brigham Young in the Defending Idaho article entitled "You Can Flatten The Curve".

[2] Delingpole: The Great Reset Is Trending. Here’s Why…

The second quote above comes from this must-read article on the WEF website:
Here's how life could change in my city by the year 2030

[3] Event 201, Center For Health Security

[4] I picked up this quote somewhere in my reading, but forgot to write down the proper attribution, unfortunately. A quick internet search while writing this article turned up nothing.

[5] Episode 353 – The Crisis of Science, The Corbett Report

[6] Social media giants remove viral video with false coronavirus claims that Trump retweeted
